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Statuary group

Bodybuilders Fountain, 2010

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A tribute to a great sportsman - Florin Teodorescu

Self-expression characterises every human being. Even stutterers wish to express themselves. It would be a pity to deny them their desire.
The mentor and organiser of the Liberty Cup, Mr. Florin Teodorescu, has his own way of self-expression materialised in impressive facts. This is not just as a formal expression of praise. Anyone who has passed by the Olimpia Hall in Timisoara can confirm that what Mr. Teodorescu has done for the Romanian bodybuilding is without precedent.
Until this year (2009), he has organised 21 editions of this competition that is highly popular both in Romania and abroad, especially in Hungary. Furthermore, he has managed to organise the professional Grand Prix that attracted celebrities like Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Dexter Jackson, Ronnie Rockel, Hide Yamagishi, Nicu Giurgi etc.
The promoter of bodybuilding in Timisoara manages a smart fitness centre within the Olimpia Hall. Besides high-tech training equipment, his centre also houses a unique collection illustrative of bodybuilding evolution along the time. The numerous publications, both recent and very very old, as well as trophies of various sizes decorate the hall of this great bodybuilding personality. The Artesian wells in front of the Olimpia Hall are guarded by a group of six imposing statues, true representatives of the bodybuilding art: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cory Everson, Serge Nubret, Eugene Sandow – the father of bodybuilding –, Frank Zane, Lenda Muray. These immortal legends seem to weep at the indolent passers-by who appear unaware of their regrets. The gods and goddesses of bodybuilding dance a spinning dance to the fascinating music of Ciprian Porumbescu, as tempted to fall into time’s dark labyrinth as was Ulysses by the music of the Sirens. 
The statues can be seen in a short video clip on the IFFB site. If you pass by the Olimpia Hall, do stop for a few moments to admire this exceptional statuary.
Misi Lakatos
Pump @ Flex - December 2010


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